Ness Notes.


Whatever Race, Gender, Age, Size, Religion, or Sexuality you have, we are all EQUAL.

Don’t let Race disconnect us.
Don’t let religion separate us.
Don’t let Sexuality divide us.

There are many differences between us, but we’ll find a lot of similarities too.

Hi! This is the carrd for the @notesforness account. Ness Notes is made to be a safe place for all Goldenness around the world. Let’s cheer together for Golden Child and for all the Goldenness out here. You are loved.
The buttons below have different topics. It may have flaws and if you noticed some, feel free to educate me by hitting the DM via twitter. Thank you, Goldenness!

Hey Goldenness! How do you feel today?

Photo above are words coming from youngtaek

Things you can do whenever you are sad:
-Eat your favorite foods
-Listen to happy music playlists on spotify, apple music, or youtube
-Go outside or at least open the windows and the blinds/curtains

…but If you want to talk about it, please DM me or talk to a friend you trusted and you feel comfortable to be with! You don’t have to struggle alone.

And also, I think you need to watch these Golcha funny Videos:

the words above are from bomin - 191011

Everything will be alright and your anxiety doesn’t define you. Tomorrow will be a brand new day! Despite any challenges you will face, YOU will persevere.

Hey! Give yourself permission to take a break. I know you’re doing the best you can and it’s okay to say ‘’no’’ for mental health. Let go of your negative and toxic thought, I know you can do this Goldenness! Inhale strength and exhale fear.


Hey! You’re a strong Goldenness.
I just want to let you know that your thoughts and feelings are valid. What you feel now is only temporary and it shall pass. You are beautiful, inside and out.


wordsabove are from bongjae's fankit message

Oh that’s bad! What about re-watching some of Golden Child’s Masterpiece Performance?


Glad to hear that! Continue to wear that beautiful smile! Stay safe and be kind always Goldenness!

About Ness Notes

This twitter account is a safety place for all Goldenness and its main purpose is to bring smiles to everyone who can possibly view the tweets I made. I also do follow backs for everyone because I feel more connected if I do such thing. I made this account to spread or share some precious and lovely words that mostly comes from the members of Golden Child. If you want to request or have some questions and clarifications, feel free to DM me via twitter @NotesForNess and I’ll be glad to give you my response. Also, be kind and bear with me if I made some mistakes because I am the only admin of this account

Some information about me:
I am 18 years old
I am a Goldenness since Without You Era
My bias is Bong Jaehyun